ORION WEB contributions to LocalGov Drupal, summer 2024

In the last few months, we've contributed towards a richer and more mature LocalGov Drupal codebase and documentation.

We've been busy in the last few months working on very interesting projects for our clients but we've also been able to spend time contributing towards a better and richer LocalGov Drupal codebase and documentation.

Some of our contributions during the last summer months include the following:

LocalGov Drupal codebase contributions

LocalGov Drupal Issue Queue - Filter content list by “Service contact”:

GitHub issue: https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_workflows/issues/85

Pull Request: https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_workflows/pull/104


LocalGov Drupal Issue Queue - Change the order of tabs in the Content View:

GitHub issue: https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov/issues/718

Pull Requests:


LocalGov Drupal Issue Queue - Add “access geo browser” permissions for editors:

GitHub issue: https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_geo/issues/113

Pull Request: https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_geo/pull/121 


LocalGov Drupal documentation contributions

We've provided rewrites and additions for the following documentation wikis:

LocalGov Drupal - Getting started guide: https://docs.localgovdrupal.org/devs/getting-started/

LocalGov Drupal - Drupal requirements guide: https://docs.localgovdrupal.org/devs/getting-started/drupal-requirements.html

LocalGov Drupal - Working with Lando guide: https://docs.localgovdrupal.org/devs/getting-started/working-with-lando.html

LocalGov Drupal - Working with DDEV guide: https://docs.localgovdrupal.org/devs/getting-started/working-with-ddev.html


We can't wait for an exciting Autumn 2024 and looking forward to spending more time helping the LocalGov Drupal platform grow and mature even more!